hi ken...

  the mod_perl BOF (BOF09) should not go up against any mod_perl session if
it can be avoided....

  as it stands now, this means it could fit in late afternoon/evening on
thursday, nearly any time on friday, or wherever you decide it should go
after the rearrangement...

  thanks for fixing this up


-----Original Message-----
From: Rodent of Unusual Size
To: BOF submitters
Sent: 3/31/01 10:02 PM
Subject: Changes to BOF schedule..!

To BOF submitters:

Due to a bit of confusion, the BOF schedule next week requires
some serious revamping.  The space we were going to use on
Wednesday will not be available until Thursday, and some of the
BOFs on Thursday and Friday need to be moved around to avoid
space collisions as well.

We are not sure how things are going to turn out yet.
We may end up putting the Wednesday BOFs in the evening, after
the sessions.  No news yet on the Thursday and Friday BOFs.
If you have specific sessions that you do not want your
BOF(s) scheduled against, please let me know the session
slot and your BOF title and we will see what we can do..

Sorry for the late notice, and thanks for your understanding
and cooperation..
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar                    <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Software Foundation  <http://www.apache.org/>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
"Apache Server Unleashed"   <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>

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