How about writing your own log handler

   PerlLogHandler My::LogModule

or in your code

$r->push_handler(PerlLogHandler    => \&MyLoghandler);

sub MyLoghandler{
  my $r=Apache::Request;
  code to log info to file

the push_handler method does not pass the request object to the subroutine.

Andrew Lau wrote:

Hi, I am currently developing a Perl based apache module and was wondering if such a functionality was available.  From within the module would it be possible to modify the request object so that the url that gets logged to the access.log is different from what the client actually requested? For example, if a client requested /file which was redirected to this module could it modify either the request object or some apache internal so that it gets written in the access log as /file?session=1234567890abcdef  . I apologize if this is readily available from some FAQ as i have been unable to find this information.  Thanks for your time. Sincerely, Andrew Lau Andrew Lau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2000

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