----- Original Message -----
From: "Mithun Bhattacharya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Sendmail or not?

> Am I correct in assuming that you are writing to a file based on user
> inputs in real time ?? Doesn't that imply you have to go around and
> implement some sort of file locking or queuing procedure in the handler
> itself ??

Well, if I follow G.W. Haywood's, yes that would be to write the mails to
files. But these files wouldn't really need to be locked, as they could be
generated in a particular folder, with a name regrouping the time and
process id.
What I was suggesting was that I could do the SMTP connection myself. But
you're right, that might involve queuing problems.

> Personally I would rather take the overhead of firing off the
> MDA and let the mail subsytem worry about queuing timeouts and whatever
> else might come up.
That's what I thought too. The queuing is important, and I couldn't possibly
handle that myself. This is why I like G.W. Haywood's idea of avoiding the
overhead _and_ handing it off to sendmail. My only worry with this system is
the fact that it would make the waiting time before receiving the e-mail
pretty long.

I don't know anything about named pipes, but isn't it possible to write to
some sort of intermediate file that is monitored by a daemon process which
then sends it off to sendmail?

Per Einar Ellefsen

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