
I have been trying to optimize my mod-perl scripts, by following some of
the instructions at http://perl.apache.org/guide/performance.html.  I have
added my mod-perl modules to my startup.pl file for Apache - along with
usual stuff and CGI, Apache::DBI and DBI->install_driver("mysql");

When I stop-start apache, i get the following entries in the mysql log:
842 Connect    root@localhost on server101
842 Quit                          
843 Connect    root@localhost on server101
843 Quit                          
844 Connect    root@localhost on server101
844 Quit 

and on, it just keeps repeating until i kill apache again.

What should i be looking for in my modperl modules that would cause this?
Is it launching each connection for each server on startup(STARTSERVERS)?

What am i missing here? 

When I put the modules in the startup, there is a fair bit more memory
shared - just the mysql connections at startup are a problem.

What can I do?  Let me know if you need more info.

Thanks for your help


Steven Wren
Webhosting and E-commerce Solutions

The world is not only stranger than we suppose,
it is stranger than we can suppose.
                -J.B.S. Haldane

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