Hi ,
  I am having problems with the stacked handlers , i have enclosed the code below ,

the error i get is undefined value ($r) in sub authenticate 

package SetRealm1;

use Apache;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use DBI;
use diagnostics;
sub handler {
    my $r   = shift;

                $r->push_handlers(PerlAuthenHandler => \authenticate());
   ## uri's are
   return OK unless is_protected($r);
   my $realm = get_realm($r);
   my $authheader = 'Basic realm="'.$realm.'"';
   $r->header_out("WWW-Authenticate" ,$authheader);

   ## Return 401 to browser and prompt for login

     return AUTH_REQUIRED;

sub get_realm {
   my $r = shift;
   return " Test".int(rand(1000000))  if ($r->uri =~ /\/test/);

sub is_protected {
      my $r = shift;
      my @protected = ('\/test','\/icons');

      for (@protected) { return 1 if ($r->uri =~ /$_/); }
      return 0;

sub authenticate {
     my $r = shift;

    return OK unless $r->is_initial_req;

    my ($res,$password) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
   $r->log_reason("res is $res pword is $password ");
    return $res if $res != OK;

    my $username = $r->connection->user;
   unless ($username && $pass)
           $r->log_reason("Did not provide username");
           return AUTH_REQUIRED;
### check against database

   return OK;



thanks in advance 


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