
I've just spent about 2 months and 5000 lines of code writing a great
little mysql/mod_perl/ImageMagick based web application for managing and
tweaking digital photographs.  It's really been a whole lot of fun.

There are three kinds of code involved - .pm modules that are strictly
handlers for apache requests, scripts intended to be run by the user
administering the site, and .pm modules that are generally used by both
the handler modules and the scripts.

Now I want to package it in such a way that it'll be easy for folks to
use if they want it.  My first attempt was to use MakeMaker the way it
seems to be intended in all the CPAN modules.  That works fine if the
installer is root... but it winds up making all the installed perl code
root-owned and it seems like the wrong thing in that all sorts of perl
modules that I've written just to provide handlers wind up in the
general @INC path, and there doesn't seem to be any obvious way to make
it possible for both scripts and mod_perl modules to be able to access
the reuseable modules if I tell MakeMaker to install the modules
elsewhere.  Plus, MakeMaker apparently doesn't provide a hook for a
script (in this case, a database-configuration script) to be run after
the 'make install' is done.

So, I'm figuring this must have been encountered before - does anyone on
this list know of a good example of an install mechanism for a
mod_perl-based web application?  Ideally something that doesn't require
that the user be root except maybe to modify their httpd.conf.

Thanks in advance-

Thomas K. Burkholder

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