Dave Greco wrote:

> I am having some serious problems with a custom AuthenHandler. Basically,
> it looks up users/passwords/groups in a database. The problem is whenever I
> encounter a bad password/username, I want the dialog box to reappear asking
> for them. Instead, the 401 error page is being displayed.  Below is the
> config and most of the code:
> <Location /php/show.gleim.com>
>      Options Indexes ExecCGI
>      PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDir
>      AuthType Basic
>      AuthName "show.gleim.com"
>      require valid-user
> </Location>
> package Apache::AuthDir;
> use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
> use DBI;
> $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:SGC');
> sub handler {
>      $req = shift;

>      return OK unless $req->is_initial_req;

How about redirecting the error back to the original URI, that may work


>      my( $res, $passwd ) = $req->get_basic_auth_pw();
>      return $res if $res != OK;

>      my $user = $req->connection->user;
>      my $uri = $req->uri;
>      my $subr = $req->lookup_uri($uri);
>      my $filename = $subr->filename;
>      # Matches /php/show.gleim.com/(oranges/)
>      $uri =~ /^\/php\/show.gleim.com\/(.*)$/;
>      $dir = $1;
>      #$req->server->log_error("$dir - $user - $passwd");
>      # check user and password
>      if ( ! checkPassword($user, $passwd) ) {
>          $req->note_basic_auth_failure;
>          return AUTH_REQUIRED;
>      }
>      if (-d $filename) {
>          # Remove any trailing /
>          $dir =~ s/\/$//;
>          # check user and directory
>          if (! checkDirectory($user, $dir) ) {
>              #$req->server->log_error("$user tried to access $dir but
> couldnt");
>              return FORBIDDEN;
>          }
>      }
>      if (-f $filename) {
>          if (! checkFile($user, $file) ) {
>              #$req->server->log_error("$user tried to access $file but
> couldnt");
>              return FORBIDDEN;
>          }
>      }
>      # Else they are OK
>      $req->connection->auth_type('Basic');
>      $req->connection->user($user);
>      return OK;
> }
> ____________________________________
> Dave Greco
> Network Administrator
> Gleim Publications, Inc.
> (800) 87-GLEIM x312
> http://www.gleim.com
> ____________________________________

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