At 05:17 AM 4/14/01, Thomas K. Burkholder wrote:
>I'd like to write upload code that shows progress (via a fork and
>refresh header trick - don't worry about that).  What I'm wondering 
>by the time I get $fh above (or even by the time I'm in the handler 
>all I know) do I already have the entire file uploaded, or is it done
>lazily as reads are performed on $fh?  I'm not very good at reading 
>XS stuff, but I looked at libapreq and from that I suspect it's all 
>up front.  Is there any way to read it incrementally?
>Has anyone solved this problem before?  I want to provide an upload
>function for my web app that shows the user periodic progress or maybe
>even allows them to cancel it part way through.  Is this too much of a
>reach for http/mod_perl?

I thought that using your mod_perl process to handle file uploads was a 
Bad Thing.  You might want to think about using a domain cookie, and 
pass the client off to a lighter process to handle the upload, rather 
than having a giant mod_perl apache process spinning for five minutes 
while someone uploads a file.

Just my $0.02.


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