Hi there,

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:

> > Apache-1.3.19
> > mod_ssl-2.8.1-1.3.19
> > mod_perl-1.25 (DSO!)
> > openssl-0.9.4
> > Linux_2.2.16
> > glibc 2.1.3 (*important*)
> Why is using glibc 2.1.3 important? It works fine for me with glibc
> 2.2.2.  I'm using the latest versions of openssl (0.9.6) and the Linux
> kernel (2.4.x) as well. I'm using Debian, things may differ on other
> (I'll leave it at that ;) distributions and operating systems.

You need glibc 2.1 or later for full functionality, see the docs. if
you're worried.  You shouldn't be.  Note that there are problems with
56-bit export versions of MSIE5.x and versions of openssl later than
0.9.4, which is why I haven't upgraded to 0.9.6.  That's mentioned in
the docs for mod_ssl.  Worry.


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