I'm buiding an HTTP gateway in mod_perl and trying to send back to the
client exactly what I get from the remote server.  The remote server
doesn't set a Content-Type on the document being returned, so I don't want
to set one either.

However, Mod_perl (or Apache), doesn't like it when I don't send a
Content-type and seems to send a default of text/plain regardless.  I
don't want this.  I don't want any Content-type at all.

What I have now is sending mod_perl a Content-Type of ''.  This sends a
blank Content-Type to the browser.  How can I avoid doing this?


Here is an abbreviated program:

sub handler {
        my $r = Apache->request;
        my $ip = ''; my $port = 80;

        my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
        my $request = new HTTP::Request $r->method, "http://$ip:$port" . $r->uri;
        my $response = $ua->request($request);

        if (defined $response->header('Content-type')) {
        } else {
                $r->content_type('');   # don't want to do this
        $r->status_line(join " ", $response->code, $response->message);
        $response->scan(sub {


This is actually what the device returns:

% telnet realdevice 80
Connected to realdevice.
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK


Matthew Darwin

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