I was trying to get NET::Ftp to work in Apache to post statistics via FTP. These stats are in memory and are manipulated before being posted. I wanted to tie a filehandle so that Net::FTP would call my READ code. So I could just go
    MyNetFTPObject->put(TIED_FILE_HANDLE , remote_file)

I cannot get this to work and it seems to boil down to this fabricated example. Note that the READ / OPEN etc routines in PRCTiedHandle prints out the READ / OPEN  'debug' message. A summary of the example is:
        1) Tie and open a filehandle , buffering data in array.
        2) sysread from within main::
        3) Pass filehandle to subroutine and go sysread
        4) sysread again from within main
The result is that the 'main' sysread work, but the sysread in the subroutine 'fails' (returns undef).
use strict;
use PRCTiedHandle;
my ( $len , $buf, $blksize) = (0,"",120);
my $file = 'c:\a.txt';
tie *FILMAIN, PRCTiedHandle::;
open *FILMAIN, $file or die "cannot open $file"  ;
print "Main 1 before sysread 1 filmain=", *FILMAIN, " ref=", ref(\*FILMAIN) ,"\n";
print "Main 2 after first sysread\n";
$len = sysread(*FILMAIN,$buf="",$blksize);
print "Main 3 after sysread 2\n";
close FILMAIN;
sub readIt (*)
{ *FILSUB= shift;
    print "readIt filsub=",*FILSUB, "   ref=",ref(\*FILSUB),"\n";
    print "readIt filsub and filmain are equal\n"   if (*FILSUB eq *FILMAIN);
    return $len = sysread(*FILSUB,$buf="",$blksize);
When I run the above I get the following output from various print statements:

--- snip ----
OPEN c:\a.txt: countRecs=11
Main 1 before sysread 1 filmain=*main::FILMAIN ref=GLOB
READ entered
Main 2 after first sysread
readIt filsub=*main::FILMAIN   ref=GLOB
readIt filsub and filmain are equal
READ entered
Main 3 after sysread 2
CLOSE called
--- snip ----

The READ routine in the handler is called correctly from the main routine. However, when I call it from the readIt subroutine then 'nothing' happens. (If I substitute FILEMAIN for FILESUB in readIt then it works of course). There appears to be a logical difference between the tied FILMAIN and the passed FILSUB, even though they 'point' to the same thing. I guess I really don't understand what is Tied. I know TISMTOWTDI, however, I have tried the complete Heinz 57 varieties of passed referenced and dereferenced variables. All have failed. After I get this example working I can mod FTP::Net to accept tied Filehandles.

Can anyone give me a few pointers? I prefer them to references (C background, you know)

Paul Cotter


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