----- Original Message -----
To: "Francesco Pasqualini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

> You can (I have) accomplish this with mod_perl and HTML::Mason, Mason's
> root level autohandler can play the role of the JSP model 2
> "controller servlet": dispatching logic processing to Perl objects (er,
> beans) and "forwarding" to a view (with the Mason $m->call_next or
> $m->comp mechanisms).  I think the Apache::Dispatch stuff can also
> perform this role (haven't played with it to say for certain).  I'll
> qualify this by saying MVC is not a end in itself, there are a lot of
> modern requirements for flexible branding, client form factor appropriate
> and locale specific presentations that require the view/controller part to
> be a lot smarter than the traditional concepts of MVC that I've seen call
> for.  I've been referring to these needs in my own engineering discussions
> as (yikes) MVC++  :)

... this is really interesting, can you point me to documentation about

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