I want to configure mod_perl in such a way 

a. files like *.cgi (but not *mod.cgi)  should be run using the PerlRun, 
b. files like *mod.cgi should run using the Apache Registry.

The settings:

<FilesMatch "*\.cgi$">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun 
    PerlSendHeader On
    Options +ExecCGI

<FilesMatch "*mod\.cgi$">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
    PerlSendHeader On
    Options +ExecCGI

But the first <FilesMatch "*\.cgi$"> is true for both (*.cgi and *mod.cgi), 
How apache will treat it? 

Any trick to find out that a given CGI is working under Apache::PerlRun  
or Apache::Registry. The $ENV{MOD_PERL} says that script is working under
mod_perl, but it does not says it is working under Perlrun or Registry.


-Surat Singh Bhati


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