On 15 May 2001, qazi Ahmed wrote:

> Hi Gurus..
> I have got modperl installed on my system.
> When i check the error_log file, it shows that apache_1.3.19 installed mod_perl-1.25 
> Now in httpd.conf  i write the 
> PerlRequire /../../../../startup.pl
> <Directory /guts>

do you mean <Location /guts>? or do you actually have an alias to /guts on
your filesystem, plus the PerlRequire seems a bit whacky (/..?)


> AuthName NISAuthentication
> AuthType Basic
> PerlAuthenHandler  Apache::AuthenNIS
> require valid-user
> </Directory>
> When i browse for the index.html present in guts it is not asking for 
>authentication, and just displaying the page.
> I dont know whether the Apache::AuthenNIS handler is being called or not, but the 
>server gets started without any errors.
> Any hints
> Thanks and Regards
> Qazi
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