
I'm using mod_perl without the registry, because it seems a bit faster
and, well, more elegant.  This means, in essence, that the configuration

PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /home/burkhold/perl/local/share/perl/5.6.0
<Location /burkhold/foo>
     SetHandler 'perl-script'
     PerlHandler 'Foo::Foo'

Now, Foo.pm, containing Foo::Foo is found at the PERL5LIB location
specified.  If I add:

use Bar::Bar to Foo.pm (in the path specified by PERL5LIB above),
although Foo.pm is properly reloaded, I get an error that Bar::Bar is
not found.

It looks like StatINC only attempts to reload files referenced in the
initial configuration and files referenced by the initial configuration;
anyone know how to make it load new files without restarting the
server?  Is it a bug?  (It seems like a bug).

Thanks for any help,

Thomas K. Burkholder

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