Hmm...  Tried that, it returns nothing!!! :-(

Kindest regards,
Jonathan M. Hollin

:: "Jonathan M. Hollin" wrote:
:: > This is driving me crazy...  is there anything special I need
:: to do when
:: > using DBI (DBD::MySQL) with mod_perl.  A script that works
:: just fine sans
:: > mod_perl dies with error 500 (Internal Server Error) when mod_perl is
:: > enabled for that file type:
:: >
:: > Web Server:  Apache/1.3.19(Win32) mod_perl/1.24_01 on a Windows 2000
:: > server -- connecting to a MySQL 3.23.38-nt DB-server.
:: >
:: > Sample of httpd.conf:
:: >
:: > LoadModule perl_module modules/ApacheModulePerl
:: > ScriptAlias /perl-bin/ "perl-bin/"
:: > PerlSendHeader On
:: > <Location /perl-bin>
:: > SetHandler perl-script
:: > PerlHandler Apache::Registry
:: > Options ExecCGI
:: > </Location>
:: >
:: > <Files *.pl>
:: > SetHandler perl-script
:: > PerlHandler Apache::Registry
:: > Options ExecCGI
:: > </Files>
:: >
:: > <Files *.cgi>
:: > SetHandler perl-script
:: > PerlHandler Apache::Registry
:: > Options ExecCGI
:: > </Files>
:: >
:: >
:: > Error Log entry:
:: >
:: > [Tue May 22 00:13:09 2001] nul: DBI->connect failed: Can't
:: connect to MySQL
:: > server on 'localhost' (10061) at
:: e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi
:: > line 29
:: > [Tue May 22 00:13:09 2001] [error] Can't call method "prepare" on an
:: > undefined value at e:/pad/htdocs/internet/system/frontpage.cgi line 30.
:: >
:: > Perl Code:
:: >
:: >         use DBI();
:: >         $driver = "mysql";
:: >         $dsn = "DBI:$driver:database=shapeshifter;host=localhost";
:: >         $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, dbusrname, dbpassword);
:: how bout adding a 'or die DBI->errstr' to the above line to find
:: out whats
:: happening.
:: >
:: >         my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM frontpage");
:: >         $sth->execute();
:: >         while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
:: >                 $body .= qq~Found a row: id =
:: $ref->{'serial_number'}, name =
:: > $ref->{'position'}<BR>~;
:: >         }
:: >         $sth->finish();
:: >         $dbh->disconnect();
:: >
:: > Any help appreciated.  I have RTFMs but I can't reach any
:: conclusions about
:: > contention between mod_perl and MySQL...
:: >
:: > Kindest regards,
:: > Jonathan M. Hollin
:: >

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