This is a follow up of mails sent to this mailing
list last month.
We were benchmarking several db access methods and
comparing them with postgres.
Lots of people advised us to try pg 7.1 instead of
pg 6.5.3
This turns out to be good advice as regards
performance. (We would like to implement one application before commenting on
We ran the same benchmark as last time. Benchmark
is some configurable number of selects on a composite primary key.
The results are
number of selects:
postgres 4605 wallclock secs (858.69 usr + 115.92 sys = 974.61 CPU) pg 7.1 3297 wallclock secs (835.19 usr + 96.86 sys = 932.05 CPU) mldbm 1286 wallclock secs (1111.71 usr + 161.86 sys = 1273.57 CPU) As you can see pg 7.1 is 30% faster than pg 6.5.3
and 3 times slower than MLDBM.
If people are interested in the benchmark script
itself, please write to us.
Thanks and Regards,
Murali & S Muthu Ganesh
Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
90, 3rd Cross,2nd Main, Ganga Nagar, Bangalore - 560 032 Phone : 91 80 3631445, 3431470 Visit us at www.diffsoft.com |
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