* Tom Gioconda ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010524 23:03]:
> It was my impression that PerlEx handled the persistance and what not, but 
> it wouldn't allow one to make a content handler using perl.  I need some way 
> of processing every html file through my TemplateHandler::handler method.  
> The way I was doing this was telling Apache to use my method as the content 
> handler, instead of Apache just return the results, I was processing the 
> file and sending those results to the client. PerlEx only does the part that 
> keeps the perl interpreter running, right?

It keeps a pool of interpreters running, and I'd *thought* that you
could make something akin to a content handler (by using the directory
mapping stuff) but on second thought it doesn't appear so. (I haven't
used it for quite some time...)

> If it does more, is there documentation that shows how this is done?  I 
> certainly couldn't find anything about content handlers on their sites.

I hadn't realized you were so tied to the mod_perl way of doing this,
my bad. I heard the magic words 'forced to move to Win2000' and my
reflex kicked in :-)


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

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