JH> I want to be able to track visitors without the use of cookies.
JH> I don't want to rely on IP address, because people behind proxies and
JH> firewalls seem to have the same IP address. 
JH> I don't want to rely on a session ID variable being always present in the
JH> URL, in case the window gets closed or changed.
JH> Now, two questions:

JH> 1) Will Apache::Session provide an environment variable like
JH> HTTP_USER_AGENT that will contain an identifier that will always
JH> be consistent for that specific user, despite proxies and
JH> firewalls, and despite the changing/closing of windows?

JH> 2) If not, does anyone know of a good way to do this?

Do you believe in magic? :)

The only way to track visitors is either:

1) use cookies

2) use session ID variable in URI and/or hidden field with session ID
   in forms

3) use IPs (which is bad because it is completely broken approach)

4) use HTTP authorization (which is not always convenient because
   requires user registration)

Apache::Session can only create persistent storage of session
data. Each session data identified by some session ID. This ID should
be taken from somewhere (see above).

| Ilya Martynov (http://martynov.org/)                                    |
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (http://www.agava.com/)                          |

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