*Sometimes* my script cannot get the cookie info.  I just wondering if this could be problems *other than* my script (eg ISP's caching, and so on).

I am using CGI.pm to read cookie.  The script that has problem is output the content of an image, that is, the users have to login to view the image.  And another script, which also requires the same cookie info, generates the layout.

That is, i have a script called photogallery.cgi that generates the follow output:

output of photogallery.cgi
something here...
the image goes here <img scr="image.cgi?file_id=1234">
Then the script image.cgi will write to the browser the image content.  Sometimes this script (image.cgi) cannot read the cookie info.

I guess the problem should come from my code or the server setting.
However, because I have investigated my script for quite a long time and cannot get a clue of what went wrong.  So I want to check if others ever experienced this problem before.

I am using Perl 5.6.0, mod_perl/1.24 Apache/1.3.14
IE 5.5.


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