I like "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C" from O'Reilly (ISBN:

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-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Beck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 2:42 PM
To: John Armstrong
Subject: Re: Questions Concerning Large Web-Site

Is there a good tutorial or book on the subject of constructing Perl
modules?  I too have done some of this and would like to create actual
modules instead of required subroutines.


John Armstrong wrote:
> I'd convert each 'module' into a real Perl module( YourPackage::Search.pm
> etc ) and then configure it at the directory level.
> <Location /search>
>     SetHandler perl-script
>     PerlHandler YourPackageSpace::Search
> </Location>
> Or you can just take your script and throw it into a single module's
> handler() routine :
> <Location />
>     SetHandler perl-script
>     PerlHandler YourPackageSpace::YourNewModule
> </Location>
> Your modules will be pre-compiled and your source is much more manageable
> the future for other people involved in the project. I find it best to
> 'break' the boundary between CGI and ModPerl by generally _not_ writing
> '.pl' scripts and instead moving everything into pure modules. It just
> the conceptual jump between CGI and mod perl much easier for newbies who
> join the team. I'm sure it has performance and integration impacts that I
> not to knowledgeable on though.
> John-
> On 6/11/01 10:28 AM, "Purcell, Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have a large asset-management system that is web-based. In the past I
> > always used cgi and perl. I need to rewrite it so that it works with
> > mod-perl or PerlEx....
> > Anyway, I used to tie my site together with a main, and a ton of
> > (which required pages of subroutines). I would use a hidden variable to
> > the navigation. So each time the user hit something, I directed them
back to
> > the main and used a hidden variable to go spawn a different subroutine.
> > it was basically a nested application. The site got large (a lot of perl
> > code, over 20,000 lines), and it got slow because each user ended up
> > recompiling the code for each submit.
> >
> > Lately as I am thinking about rebuilding the site, but not using a
> > config, but just offering each page to be its own perl file. So when the
> > user submits for a search, I just point them at the search.pl file.
> > simple enough, but I work alone, and do not know how the world builds
> > sites. I was hoping to hear some simple input from people who have
> > architected good, sound sites, and was hoping for some good feedback, or
> > some old sample code that I can study and find out how the other half
> >
> > I hope this is not asking too much, Any input would be most helpful.
> >
> > Sincerely
> >
> > Scott Purcell
> >
> >

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