Hi guys:
I installed ActivePerl and ran the *.ppd file to install mod_perl.
i got these errors though:
Writing D:\serv\lang\site\lib\auto\mod_perl\.packlist
Cannot find file 'perl' (or one of its components). Check to
ensure the path and filename are correct and that all required
libraries are available.
Cannot find file 'perl' (or one of its components). Check to
ensure the path and filename are correct and that all required
libraries are available.
This is the only part that failed and according to one of the threads in the achives (http://www.mail-archive.com/modperl@apache.org/msg18596.html)
All i had to was copy the "mod_perl.so" into my apache/modules directory and it would be ok.
So all i need to know now is how do i make apache recognize this new module? what do i need to add or change in the httpd.conf file? do i have to make any other changes anywhere else? thanx !

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