At 14:54 25.06.2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'd like a way to store complex data structures across Apache processes. 
>I've looked at Apache::DBI for an example: my tests say that he has to 
>create a new dbh for every process. I've looked at IPC::Shareable, but it 
>has to copy data. Meaning that I can only have a certain amount of 
>complexity to my data structures.

We are using Data::Dumper to put the data structures as TEXT into a MySQL 
table, where they can retrieved via an id.

This is pretty fast for low to medium traffic and has the advantage that 
the data is persistent (restarting apache won't zap the carts) and human 
readable (debugging is easy).


"... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
koennen."                            - Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei

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