On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Purcell, Scott wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying a new install of mod_perl on my NT box here which is running
> apache. The last install I used Ron Savages NT binary distribution. And it
> was easy to install and worked. But I feel that I need to install mod_perl
> from scratch (I have to begin supporting it here at my shop). I downloaded
> the cpan package, gziped and extracted tar.  The install directions for NT
> look a little gray. Maybe there is a step by step guide somewhere? If anyone
> knows I would appreciate.
> Thanks
> Scott Purcell

Do you mean to compile it on your own? You'll have to have Visual C++ 6
on your system (assuming you're using ActivePerl), and you should
check that your Perl is configured properly to work with it by
compiling some simpler XS-based module. If that's OK, read through
INSTALL.win32 (if it's a little unclear, patches are welcome ...) -
basically one first compiles and installs Apache (or get a
binary distribution that contains the header and lib files) and
then does

perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=\Apache\Sources INSTALL_DLL=\Apache\modules
nmake test
nmake install

where "\Apache\Sources" are where the Apache sources are and
"\Apache\Modules" is where you want to put the mod_perl.so dll.

best regards,
randy kobes

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