Actually, I believe that it helps to do a use cgi qw(-compile: all) as this
will pre-compile the entire module (which makes it go a bit faster for it's
first request).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Purcell, Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 17:29
Subject: File Q

> Mod_perl version: 1.25_01-dev
> Perl version:         5.6.1
> Apache Version:  1.3.20
> OS:                    NT
> I am in the apache book and I am doing some hacking. In my
> I put 'use CG qw(:standard); along with some other modules.
> Anyway, then I typed that little dittie below, and commented out the $use
> CGI (since I thought it would be loaded in the file).
> It does not work. Are the items in the file only used with
> handlers?
> Thanks
> Scott
> ### code below just for reference #####
> #! /usr/local/bin/perl
> #use CGI qw(:standard);
> use strict;
> my $name = param('name') || 'Anonymous';
> print header(),
> start_html(-title=>'Yo!',-bgcolor=>'blue'),
> h1("Hello $name"),
> p(
> "To change your name, enter it into the text field below and press",
>     em("change name.")
> ),
> start_form(),
> "Name: ",textfield(-name=>'name',-value=>'Anonymous'),
> submit(-value=>'Change Name'),
> end_form(),
> hr(),
> end_html();
> Scott Purcell

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