        I hope this is the right place to put this. I have some code that takes data
from a database and encrypts it via Blowfish and CBC. Not a problem so far, 
the problems comes with sending it to the client.

        If i do this 

                my $f=CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Ticket',
                            -value => $ciphertext
                warn " --- $f --- ";
                return $f;

        (And i had assigned it into a tmp variable and then 'warned' to the
apache-error.log) I get this

         --- Ticket=RandomIV%1F%BC%B8%0B%2C%408%8E%3Fg%B8%AD%1D%60j%D0O
%CD%12%1A%7ES; path=/ ---

        apologies for the largeness of that string, but i wanted to show that it does
indeed work as i had planned. Now, i had wanted to get rid off CGI from the
mod_perl processes (makes it use jst that bit less memory) and I have 
converted most of it away, except when i do this (with the same string you 
will notice)

         my $t=escape_uri($ciphertext);
         warn " -= Ticket=$t; path=/ =- ";
         return "Ticket=$t; path=/";

        i get this very nice string instead

         -= Ticket=RandomIV%1f%bc%b8%0b,@8%8e%3fg%b8%ad%1d%60j%d0O
%bdW%dd)%94%a5%01%5b%99G; path=/; =-

        Now, if i look at the string (and ignoring all the strange characters that 
slip through escape_uri) i cant help but notice that escape_uri 'breaks' on 
the character after %99G which, lo and behold, is %00 which says to me that
for some reason CGI::Cookie does the 'right thing' in the case of Blowfish 
encrypted text, but escape_uri in mod_perl doesnt.

        Any pointers or 'your stupid' are, as always, welcome.

        Regards and thanks

(Apache version is 1.3.17, modperl 1.25)        

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