On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 11:53:52AM +0100, Paul Sharpe wrote:
> Presumably $s->finfo would be more efficient?

Yes, if it's stable for your config.  I've had coredumps with it in the
past some time and have since stayed away from it by habit.  'course
that was several versions of mod_perl and perl ago, so that's probably
stable now.  I'd recommend staying away from it if you want to run on
older mod_perls (like you're distibuting a CPAN module), but it's
probably Ok for up to date configs.

Anyone else have good/bad experience w/ $r->finfo lately?

Also note that Apache will stat() it's way back up the path to the
document root in order to calculate path_info, so it can be better to do
the URI->filename mapping in Perl.

- Barrie

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