I have set up Authcookie.  I modified the sample scripts for my sight.
Everything works except when the wrong password is entered.  When an invalid
user/password is entered, instead of re-displaying the login page, I get a
302 Found error to url

Any ideas on what I may have wrong?


Here is a copy of my httpd.conf file

# In httpd.conf or .htaccess:
 PerlModule Sample::AuthCookieHandler
 PerlSetVar WhatEverPath /
 PerlSetVar WhatEverLoginScript /login.pl
 PerlSetVar AuthCookieDebug 3
 PerlFreshRestart On

# These documents require user to be logged in.
<Location /members>
 AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
 AuthName WhatEver
 PerlAuthenHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authorize
 Require valid-user
 AllowOverride All

<Location /members/cgi-bin>
 AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
 AuthName WhatEver
 PerlAuthenHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authorize
 Require valid-user
 AllowOverride All

# These documents don't require logging in, but allow it.
 <FilesMatch "\.cgi$">
   AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
   AuthName WhatEver
   PerlAuthenHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
   PerlAuthzHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authorize
   Require valid-user

<FilesMatch "\.pl">
   AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
   AuthName WhatEver
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   Options +ExecCGI
   PerlAuthenHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
   PerlAuthzHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->authorize
   Require valid-user

# This is the action of the login.pl script above.
  <Files LOGIN>
    AuthType Sample::AuthCookieHandler
    AuthName WhatEver
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Sample::AuthCookieHandler->login

 <Location /perl-status>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Status

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