
rand bug with mod_perl? 
"my $rand = int(rand(1000)) always produces '2'" under mod_perl.
I have noticed that if I ask for the line above, it always puts $rand at a
'2'? So I did some test below, looping through and the first time through
with mod_perl, the number is always 2?

Under investigation when I run the following code under cgi-bin, it works
good like it should.
960 is tmp
240 is tmp
193 is tmp
197 is tmp

When I run that same code under mod_perl, it looks like this:
2 is tmp
564 is tmp
194 is tmp
809 is tmp

So basically if I just need one random number I have to do some excess work?

Does anyone know why this is? 
If anyone wants just drop the following line under cgi-bin and mod_perl and
you'll see the results.

Please let me know,

#! perl
use CGI qw/:standard/;
my $q = CGI->new;
print $q->header();
print $q->start_html("hello");
foreach (my $i=1; $i<5; $i++) {
    my $tmp = int(rand(1000)+1);
    print "$tmp is tmp<br>\n";

Scott Purcell

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