Just received my issue of Dr. Dobbs Journal today, and one of the articles
is "A Tiny Perl Server Pages Engine". Pretty nifty.

Read about it here:

Here is an excerpt:
"PSP is modeled after JSP. It is neither an ASP nor a JSP port. PSP
includes many JSP-like features and, most importantly, custom tag support.
The latter gives you the ability to develop custom tag modules to
encapsulate complex server-side behaviors and business rules into simple
XML-like elements that content developers can use.
PSP shares the same basic elements with JSP..."

And, in the tradition of TMTOWTDI, especially in the field of templating
systems, the author adds this:
"Note that there is also an open-source project that is also called Perl
Server Pages (http://psp.sourceforge.net/). However, there is no connection
between that project and the one I present here."


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