> I've sent this email to Template-Toolkit mailing list... but there doesn't
> seem to be anyone, so I'm sending it here ...

Um, you did send it at 6:30PM on a Sunday (yesterday).  Support on that list
is really good, but you can't expect everyone to be on the same schedule as

> How can in the parent template distinguish between these two cases....
> scalar place it, if file include it ).

You could handle this with a plugin.  The plugin would determine what kind
of thing $stuff is, and then call the appropriate TT methods to handle it.
In your template you say something like:

[% MY_INCLUDE $stuff %]

> I need a way to replace the web-designer
> inputs,select boxes, textareas with thouse generated from me, but also
> to preserve the formating/styles etc.. f.e.

There are basically two ways people do this.  One is to replace the standard
HTML elements with your own, e.g. <select size=10 name=foo> becomes [%
form.select(size => 10, name => "foo") %].  The other is to post-process the
resulting HTML with something like HTML::FillInForm.  That could be done
inside a FILTER block.  If the first appeals to you more, but you don't want
your designers to have to think about it, you could pre-process the
templates to translate the form elements to TT syntax.

There's plenty of documentation for this module that covers the details of
plugins and filters.

- Perrin

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