
I'm having trouble trying to access server config directives during parent 
startup. Basically, I've got a module which needs to access a configuration 
directive in order to compile some non-Perl files to Perl while the server 
starts and before children are created so that the code they generate will 
stay shared. The directive I need access to is defined by AxKit, so I can 
play with the source code that defines it to make it available to Perl at 
that time.

In order to access the configuration, I'm using (in a nutshell):

cfg = (axkit_dir_config *)
        ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &XS_AxKit);

where s is an Apache::Server object mapped to T_PTROBJ in the typemap. The 
code is working and now returns a cfg that exists but hasn't been 
initialised, ie it is as if no directives had been read at all (or so it 
seems). However, it is clear that the code is called after the directives 
have been read.

This may all be due to a problem in my code, but before I go on and go 
insane, I wondered if using the server object thus has any chance of working, 
and if there is a description of the right way to do this somewhere.

Thanks !

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- CTO
k n o w s c a p e : // venture knowledge agency www.knowscape.com
Oops. My Brain just hit a bad sector. 

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