Philip Mak wrote:
> One thing caught my eye; how come "mod_perl handler" (808.4 hits per
> second) performed better than "HTML static" (768.2 hits per second)?

Here are my comments on this from the original post:

 HTML static
    for the first time, looks slower on my system than mod_perl.
    It may be that the default 1.3.20 apache install/config does 
    more work on the headers.  Also this is a dual proc system
    which has slowed down the HTML static test before, relative
    to single CPU systems.

> And sorry for my newbie-ish question, but what is the difference
> between "mod_perl handler" and "Apache::Registry mod_perl"?

Check out the full code in the benchmarks at:

For the hello tests, one is an Apache::Registry run 
CGI script, and the other a small mod_perl module handler
written for the hello bench.  For the 2000 benchmark,
the Registry mod_perl is a .pl script, but uses the 
modperl API for things like headers.

-- Josh
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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