Heh - you're on the wrong track.  The whole quote below is part of a
double-quoted string, and each backslash is just to put a literal $ into
the code.  It will be eval'ed later.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (raptor) wrote:
>!!! Is it possible to have  reference on the left side of the equation !!!
>I've tried this to alias HASH :") but didn't succeeded...
>sub {
> my \$hash = shift; # $_[0] is  \%myhash
>Yes I know that there is aliasing : my *hash = \%{$hashref}..
>And I see that here u use  : \$r->blah
>....Never mind it is cute construct anyway. Do U have any benefit in speed
>using it in this way ?!
>PS. didn't u think that there must finaly "alias" keyword in perl
>> <Files ~ (hello\.bench)>
>>     <Perl>
>>        # ModPerl Handler
>>          package Apache::bench;
>>          sub handler {
>>            my(\$r) = shift;
>>            \$r->content_type('text/html');
>>            \$r->send_http_header();
>>            \$r->print('Hello ');
>>            \$r->print('World');
>>            200;
>>          }
>>        1;
>>     </Perl>
>>     SetHandler perl-script
>>     PerlHandler Apache::bench
>> </Files>

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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