
It seemed that running the hello world benchmarks last time for only 
60 seconds had problems with reproducibility, especially with mod_caucho.

So here's some numbers for ~ 10 minute run.  Its actually something 
like 20 benchmarks run for 30 seconds a piece, and the results summed
together.  The source code for these benchmarks is available at:


There's a new switch, -prime, which runs a short benchmark first 
and throws away the results, to get all the environments to cache
ahead of time.  This is of limited effect on many of the mod_perl
environments, since the web server is restarted every 30 seconds.


DISCLAIMER: If you would like to know what the benchmarks are
really doing, download the source from above, and run them 
for yourself!  Please look at the secs/Hit column too to 
understand relative diffs in speed.

GROUPING: I messed up the grouping, now its just alpha sort,
so if you want to compare say AxKit XSLT with ASP XSLT, you'll
have to do a little extra work.

STATIC HTML: seems slower than mod_perl on my dual proc RedHat 6.2
Probably faster on your single proc box if you have one.

mod_caucho/resin/java: Seems to slow down the longer it runs for, 
so these numbers are quite different than when a 30 second 
benchmark is run.

iterations: The 600 seconds test was broken up into 20 30 second
tests and the results summed.  For the next release of benchmark,
I'd like to not restart the web server every 30 seconds for 
some better "steady-state" numbers.  In the process I'll likely
reduce MaxRequests from 10,000 to 1,000 so that apps that have
mem leaks won't be killed by swapping during the test.

 > ./bench.pl -version -prime -time=600

Test Name                           Test File  Hits/sec   # of Hits  Time(sec)  
secs/Hit   Bytes/Hit  
---------                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  
---------  ---------  
Apache::ASP v2.19                   hello.asp   379.0     222987     588.36     
0.002639   242        
Apache::ASP v2.19 2000              h2000.asp   225.5     132712     588.54     
0.004435   28998      
Apache::ASP v2.19 XSLT Hello        hxslt.xml   219.0     128843     588.39     
0.004567   280        
Apache::Dispatch v0.09 handler      hello/worl  594.8     349800     588.08     
0.001681   197        
Apache::Registry v2.01 2000 mod_per h2000.reg   341.2     200718     588.32     
0.002931   28179      
Apache::Registry v2.01 CGI Raw      hello_raw.  681.0     400470     588.10     
0.001469   52         
Apache::Registry v2.01 CGI.pm       hello.cgi   453.2     266590     588.20     
0.002206   217        
Apache::SSI v2.16                   hello.shtm  544.2     320087     588.15     
0.001837   200        
Apache::ePerl                       hello.eper  345.7     203399     588.42     
0.002893   218        
AxKit v1.4 XSLT Hello               hxslt.xml   292.0     171899     588.63     
0.003424   397        
HTML static                         hello.html  704.9     414465     588.00     
0.001419   312        
HTML::Embperl v1.3.0                hello.epl   467.1     274769     588.19     
0.002141   221        
HTML::Embperl v1.3.0 2000           h2000.epl   111.6      65652     588.43     
0.008963   28841      
HTML::Mason v1.03                   hello.mas   370.5     217967     588.33     
0.002699   198        
HTML::Mason v1.03 2000              h2000.mas    83.6      49176     588.20     
0.011961   28799      
HTML::Template v2.3                 hello.htmp  539.2     317344     588.60     
0.001855   199        
HTML::Template v2.3 2000            h2000.htmp   98.2      57791     588.28     
0.010179   29152      
Template v2.04 Toolkit              hello.tt    465.7     273928     588.19     
0.002147   199        
Template v2.04 Toolkit 2000         h2000.tt     52.7      30995     588.37     
0.018983   28889      
mod_caucho JSP                      hello.jsp   118.0      70156     594.49     
0.008474   231        
mod_caucho JSP 2000                 h2000.jsp    75.7      44739     591.15     
0.013213   28965      
mod_cgi CGI Raw                     hello_raw.  154.1      90655     588.11     
0.006487   197        
mod_cgi CGI.pm                      hello.cgi    10.7       6326     591.81     
0.093552   217        
mod_include SSI                     hello.shtm  288.5     171036     592.83     
0.003466   199        
mod_perl handler                    hello.benc  822.7     483808     588.06     
0.001215   197        
mod_php PHP                         hello.php   658.5     387271     588.13     
0.001519   226        
mod_php PHP 2000                    h2000.php   256.0     150596     588.37     
0.003907   28866      
mod_speedycgi                       hello.cgi   134.6      79428     590.32     
0.007432   217        

Apache Server Header Tokens

PERL Version: 5.00503

JAVA Version: java version "1.3.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0)
Classic VM (build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cx130-20001124 (JIT enabled: jitc))

Operating System: Linux 2.2.14-9.0 (root@gate) (gcc egcs-2.91.66) #1 2CPU [gate.]

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