raptor wrote:

> hi,
> I have the following problem... a module/object that use a callback
> func..example :
> use Blah;
> my $obj = new Blah(...);
> ..later on ...
> my $firstcall = 1;
> sub checkSomething {
>     if ($firstcall) {$firstcall = 0; return 0}
>    ....code ...
> };
> $$obj{checkCode} = \&checkSomething;
> $obj->callSomemethod();
> the problem is that during the invocations of the script the $firstcall
> sometimes stays "0", instead to be initialised to "1" on every invocation of
> the script .... any ideas how can I cure this ....
> Thanx alot in advance...
> =====
> iVAN
> =====

cf manual:

My mother always used to tell me, "The early bird gets the worm."
The message seemed pretty clear to me: If you sleep late, you're
a lot less likely to be killed by a bird.
    -- Elliott Downing

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