I suggest adding 'use strict' at the top of your script. That will help you 
track down 'variables that won't stay shared'. See the guide for 

hope this helps,

At 03:03 AM 7/26/2001 -0500, John Buwa wrote:
>Some more info on the problem i described before:
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>use Fcntl ':flock'; # import LOCK_* constants
>use CGI::Apache qw(:standard);
>use CGI qw(:cgi-lib);
>require "";
>use diagnostics;
>if ($input{'new'} eq "on") {&add_account;}
>          if ($input{'action'} eq "something") {&something;}
>          if ($input{'action'} eq "something2") {&something2;}
>          if ($input{'action'} eq "something3") {&something3;}
>         <snip alot of somethings>
>else {&show_menu;}
>sub show_menu {
>somecode here }
>sub something {
>some code here }
>sub something2 {
>somecode here }
>Now the first routing it hits is a login which grabs the userid and 
>password as below:
>$user = "";
>$pass = "";
>$user = $input{'userid'};
>$pass = $input{'password'};
>then it validates the user and jumps to the show menu routine.
> From here alot of options are available if i am at the main menu and hit 
> refresh all things are correct. But if i say click on the something2 
> option and goto the something2 routine all variables $user and $pass are 
> correct. If i hit refresh it is still correct. Now if i hit the 
> backbutton in my browser to go back to the main menu the $user and $pass 
> vairable now gets doubled? So if your login WAS $user=$joe your 
> information will now be $user=joejoe and NOW if you hit refresh it keeps 
> adding $user=joejoejoejoe etc..same for the $pass and every other 
> variable used.
>I hope this sheds some light on this problem as i am clueless at this 
>point. The same code runs without these errors on a regular apache setup 
>without mod perl it only occurs on a modperl server.
>Any inofmration is greatly greatly apreciated!
>John Buwa

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