It actually get alot larger than that! Anywho, yes i have installed the
latest libpreq, latest modperl, perl 5.6.1, apache 1.3.20 and on linux

Hope that helps.


200 Megs for a modperl process sounds way off.  Are you using an old
version of libapreq?  There is a big memory leak with older versions,
particulary for multipart file uploads.  Try and see if that fixes
things up.  Also you didn't say what version of modperl,perl,apache or
what platform you are using, so I am probably way off. Heh, I'm just
taking a wild ass guess.

On Saturday, August 4, 2001, at 11:29 PM, John Buwa wrote:

> Ok guys,
> Here goes again ... To refresh the standing: I am running my scripts on
> regular apache as the active server to the public. I am porting over my
> scripts to work properly with the modperl enable apache server. To do
> this when i am working on scripts and testing them, i start the modperl
> server running on another port as to not interfere with the port 80
> requests.
> If i run the same script on each apache the non apache will load and i
> can reload it again, before the original requested script completes on
> the modperl server. I wanted to convert to modperl for faster
> performance on my perl scripts, but i can not get that faster
> performance its several times worse than the nonperl server???
> Now i know no one here is physic (Or maby i am wrong) but for those who
> are not i need to give you some clues. Here is a print out from top:
> 91 processes: 89 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
> CPU states: 0.0% user, 0.7% system, 0.0% nice, 99.2% idle
> Mem: 257408K av, 228384K used, 29024K free, 13744K shrd,
> 5380K buff
> Swap: 265528K av, 184780K used, 80748K free
> 8908K cached
> 25788 nobody 0 0 126M 125M 1076 S 0.0 49.8 0:13 httpd
> <----modperl server
> 25787 nobody 0 0 196M 32M 1356 S 0.0 12.9 0:19 httpd
> <-----modperl server
> 25799 nobody 0 0 32592 30M 8 S 0.0 12.2 0:10
> httpd<---Non modperl server
> My httpd.conf modperl section:
> Alias /cgi-bin/ /driveb/usr/web/webroot/cgi-bin/
> <Location /cgi-bin>
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> Options +ExecCGI
> PerlSendHeader On
> </Location>
> my entry script call:
> for modperl and
> use CGI::Apache qw(:standard);
> use CGI qw(:cgi-lib);
> Not sure what other information would be helpull to you. If there
> is anything else please let me know, and if you see anything wrong
> above id apreciate your input.
> Thanks,
> John Buwa

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