On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Mark Vazquez wrote:


> Recently i transfered over my company's existing websiste from winnt 4
> server with iis 4 to redhat 7.0 with apache 1.3.12/mod_perl 1.24.  The
> majority of the site is done in perl and there are perl scripts in almost
> every directory. But apache cant seem to run them, my main site page is a
> perl file (index.pl) and it just gives me an "ok" error saying that there
> could be misconfiguration error.  Besides having to go into the perl scrips
> themselves and editing them,  is there anything that im missing?Btw... the
> perl scripts make references to sub routines located in a .lib file that
> placed in to my /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl diretory, but mod_perl still
> gives me errors saying that the subroutines are undefined. I have mod_perl
> configured this way:
> <ifModule mod_perl.c>
> <Directory /var/www>
>    SetHandler perl-script

This will set mod_perl to handle all requests within the dir... AFAIK
this disables your DirectoryIndex directive. You probably want the
        AddHandler perl-script .pl
to handle all .pl files instead, with a DirectoryIndex index.pl in front.


>    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>    PerlSendHeader On
>    Options +ExecCGI
> </Directory>
> Alias /cgi-bin "/var/www/cgi-bin"
> <Location /cgi-bin>
>    SetHandler perl-script

idem dito

>    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>    PerlSendHeader On
>    Options +ExecCGI
> </Location>
> <Files *.pl>
>    SetHandler perl-script

and one more :-)

>    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> ###   PerlSendHeader On  <--this doesnt work under the Files directive i
> guess

I thought this would just work...

>    Options +ExecCGI
> </Files>

Hope this helps,

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