[CC'ing back to the list for archival and possibly interesting followup

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Kyle Oppenheim wrote:

> Here's another method to generate a core on Solaris that you may want to add
> to the guide.  (I hope I'm not repeating something already in the guide!)
> 1. Use truss(1) as root to stop a process on a segfault:
> truss -f -l -t \!all -s \!SIGALRM -S SIGSEGV -p <pid>
> or, to monitor all httpd processes (from bash):
> for pid in `ps -eaf -o pid,comm | fgrep httpd | cut -d'/' -f1`;
> do truss -f -l -t \!all -s \!SIGALRM -S SIGSEGV -p $pid 2>&1 &
> done

what happens to the newly spawned processes?

what happens if the process segfaults immediately after it starts. You
don't have enough time to get its PID.

> 2. Watch the server error_log for reaped processes
> 3. Use gcore to get a core of stopped process or attach gdb.
> 4. kill -9 the stopped process.

Since I don't have an access to a Solaris system, is it possible for you
to take the example code I've supplied below and apply these steps to it?
So we can get a fully working example? Thanks a lot! (for example I'm not
familiar with gcore... is it Solaris specific thing?)

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Stas Bekman
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 7:53 PM
> To: Andrei A. Voropaev
> Subject: Re: Segfaults
> On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Andrei A. Voropaev wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > The problem with Apache/mod_perl children segfaulting is pretty old.
> Unfortunately this
> > does not leave any core dump that would help in tracing the problem. All
> it
> > leaves is messages in error log
> >
> > [Fri Aug  3 05:39:28 2001] [notice] child pid 446 exit signal Segmentation
> > fault (11)
> >
> > And quite a lot of them. The more we use mod_perl the more messages like
> this.
> > A year ago we had only authentication in mod_perl and these message showed
> up
> > 5-6 times a day. Now we run Mason (v 0.89) and the messages show up 2-3
> times
> > a minute. (This has nothing to do with increased usage) The problem has
> > survived 3 upgrades (we started with mod_perl/1.21)
> >
> > So my question is - is there any way to force coredumps? :)
> This is an excerpt from the upcoming book (which we will finish at some
> point :)
> =head2 Getting the core File Dumped
> Now let's get the I<core> file dumped from within the mod_perl
> server. Sometimes the program aborts abnormally via the SIGSEGV signal
> (I<Segmentation Fault>), but no I<core> file is dumped. And without
> the I<core> file it's hard to find the cause of the problem, unless
> you run the program inside C<gdb> or another debugger in first
> place. In order to get the I<core> file, the application has to:
> =over
> =item *
> have the effective UID the same as real UID (the same goes for
> GID). Which is the case of mod_perl unless you modify these settings
> in the program.
> =item *
> be running from a directory which at the moment of the
> I<Segmentation fault> is writable by the process. Notice that the
> program might change its current directory during its run, so it's
> possible that the I<core> file will need to be dumped in a different
> directory from the one the program was started from. For example when
> mod_perl runs an C<Apache::Registry> script it changes its directory
> to the one in which the script source is located.
> =item *
> be started from a shell process with sufficient resource allocations
> for the I<core> file to be dumped. You can override the default
> setting from within a shell script if the process is not started
> manually. In addition you can use C<BSD::Resource> to manipulate the
> setting from within the code as well.
> You can use C<ulimit> for C<bash> and C<limit> for C<csh> to check and
> adjust the resource allocation. For example inside C<bash>, you may
> set the core file size to unlimited:
>   panic% ulimit -c unlimited
> For example you can set an upper limit on the I<core> file size to 8MB
> with:
>   panic% ulimit -c 8388608
> So if the core file is bigger than 8MB it will be not created.
> =item *
> Of course you have to make sure that you have enough disk space to
> create a big core file (mod_perl I<core> files tend to be of a few
> MB in size).
> =back
> Note that when you are running the program under a debugger like
> C<gdb>, which traps the C<SIGSEGV> signal, the I<core> file will not
> be dumped. Instead it allows you to examine the program stack and
> other things without having the I<core> file.
> So let's write a simple script that uses C<Bad::Segv>:
>   core_dump.pl
>   ------------
>   use strict;
>   use Bad::Segv ();
>   use Cwd()
>   my $r = shift;
>   $r->send_http_header("text/plain");
>   my $dir = getcwd;
>   $r->print("The core should be found at $dir/core\n");
>   Bad::Segv::segv();
> In this script we load the C<Bad::Segv> and C<Cwd> modules. After
> that we acquire the request object and send the HTTP header. Now we
> come to the real part--we get the current working directory, print out
> the location of the I<core> file that we are about to dump and finally
> we call Bad::Segv::segv() which dumps the I<core> file.
> Before we run the script we make sure that the shell sets the I<core>
> file size to be unlimited, start the server in single server mode as
> a non-root user and generate a request to the script:
>   panic% cd /home/httpd/httpd_perl/bin
>   panic% limit coredumpsize unlimited
>   panic% ./httpd_perl -X
>       # issue a request here
>   Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> Our browser prints out:
>   The core should be found at /home/httpd/perl/core
> And indeed the core file appears where we were told it will (remember
> that C<Apache::Registry> scripts change their directory to the
> location of the script source):
>   panic% ls -l /home/httpd/perl/core
>   -rw------- 1 stas httpd 3227648 Feb 7 18:53 /home/httpd/perl/core
> As you can see it's a 3MB I<core> file. Notice that mod_perl was
> started as user I<stas>, which had write permission for directory
> I</home/httpd/perl>.
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
> http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
> http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://apachetoday.com http://eXtropia.com/
http://singlesheaven.com http://perl.apache.org http://perlmonth.com/

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