As Geoff reported in his weekly report last week, the TPC5 conference was
a great success. I dare to say that this was the best conference I've gone
to in the last 3 years. I hope the next year's conference will be of the
same quality. So congratulations to ORA folks who produced the conference
and all the speakers who provided the content (there were 275! speakers at
the conference). Special thanks go to Nat, the conference king.

mod_perl track was huge this year (I think there were about 27 hours of
mod_perl content), again thanks to Nat! I hope it stays this way the next
year. <subliminal_mode>If you went to the conference, enjoyed it and
didn't thank Nat, do this now.</subliminal_mode>

Most of the conference materials are available from:
(again courtesy to ORA)

Nat, I think that having the conference center isolated from the rest of
the world was originally considered as a big drawback, but during the
conference we have realized that it was a huge plus! Since people couldn't
escape from the hotel, it was so easy to meet all the people that
otherwise you'd never meet if they could escape the hotel.

All those who didn't make to the conference this time, consider to come
next year. This is sort of event that changes the perception of working in
the open source community, since once you meet people you talk with on the
list, the new experience is so different...

And since now I own a cool Sony DSC-S75 camera, here are some pics from
the conference and San Diego. Notice that the location is temporary, so if
you want the pictures grab them now and please don't link to them.


Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker       mod_perl Guide

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