
In my httpd.conf file I have: 
<Location /foo/>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlTypeHandler foo
    PerlHandler bar

and then in the foo and bar files I have: 

----------file foo.pm---------
package foo;

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;

    $r->log_error("I'm in foo.");

----------file bar.pm---------
package bar; 

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;

    $r->log_error("I'm in bar.");

I would expect this experiment would print out "I'm in foo." followed by "I'm in bar." 
to my apache error log.  It only prints "I'm in foo."  If I remove the PerlTypeHandler 
line from the httpd.conf I get only "I'm in bar."  If I leave the TypeHandler but omit 
the PerlHandler, and add $r->push_handlers(PerlHandler=>\&bar::handler); to foo.pm I 
still only get "I'm in foo."

I'm using Perl 5.6 and mod_perl 1.25 with apache 1.3.19 

Why does this not work as I expected?

Jay Buffington

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