Why is setting cookies so complex in mod_perl...
Can any one tell me how I can set a few cookies in one handler and hand
over the operation to another handler to do some more stuff... 
I have tried everything that I know (that's not much) but I still can
not set the cookies...
here is the snippet of my cookie setter handler:
 my $u                   = Apache::Cookie->new( $r,
-name           => 'randh_webuname',
-value          => $webuname,
-domain         => '.rhythm.com',
-expires        => '+24H',
-path           => '/'
                $r->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => $u) if $u;

some more cookies here

return DECLINED; # tried OK with the same result

At this point my second handler takes over ...

return OK;

Please Help!!!! :(

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