On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Jim Smith wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 10:45:43AM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Jim Smith wrote:
> >
> > > On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 10:16:26PM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > > > > Just some pseudo-random ideation boiling down to "let's use mod_perl
> > > > > to buils a knowledge base" both to demonstrate it's power and to serve
> > > > > the community.
> > > >
> > > > I like the idea!!!
> > >
> > > If we can come up with a proposal for a generic knowledge base product that
> > > would be useful in an IT environment, I can probably devote some of my work
> > > to it -- this is something I've been wanting to put together at work for
> > > customers and our help desk people but haven't had time yet to get it all
> > > together.  I'll have more time in September after the students return.
> >
> > go ahead and be the first to propose Jim :)
> Ok... here are some of my initial thoughts.
> We need to be able to enter arbitrary documents, so I suggest DocBook
> as the standard format.  This handles articles, books, reference
> pages, etc., in a well-defined manner.  It also allows us to transform
> to other formats without much of a problem.  We can even consider
> AxKit for at least part of the web interface.
> We would want to have different sections for documents that are not
> related.  For example, we (here at TAMU) could use a section on Unix,
> another on Mac, and yet another on Windows systems.  Or we could
> divide it up by services.  The different sections would not expect
> overlap in keyword -> content mapping, so we could have an
> AI::Catagorize object for each section that could provide a default
> set of keywords.  As we entered documents, those objects could learn
> which keywords were appropriate.
> We would want to have documents in multiple catagories.  This might
> require the person entering the document enter multiple sets of
> keywords, one per section.
> We would need to index on keyword so people could quickly find the
> documents.  Perhaps even a catelogue-style interface for browsing that
> would be based on keyword categories.  This would require some work.
> (Broad categories are indicated by the presence of certain keywords,
> or by a weighted average so a document having all but a couple of the
> appropriate keywords won't be dropped from that category.)
> Documents shouldn't have to be entered via the web interface, though
> they could be.  We could provide a set of web-page templates for each
> of the DocBook formats (well, the small ones anyway - don't want to
> write a book via a web interface).  Might want to even integrate with
> WebDAV and a repository.
> We probably want to set up a SourceForge project if this is a go.
> Any ideas on names?

This all sounds cool. I have a few concerns with this proposal:

- source documents living under modperl cvs are to be written in POD.
  The project that you suggest should be able to accept this and other
  formats as a source. Afterwards it can convert it to many other formats.
  Matt has already done some work on porting PODs into XML.

- where the actual converted knowledge base will be hosted? I mean who
  will host the production version? It's possible that we can get a
  machine at apache.org, but this is one of the things to worry about. If
  things need to be dynamically generated, we cannot do this from the same
  machine the modperl-site is hosted on (daedalus).

- we need someone to commit to lead the project, or things would never
  take off just like it has happened before.

> Now to see if I can get my boss to support me spending time on such a
> project :)

I hope he does. Really!

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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