I am using Windows NT, running apache with mod_perl.

The problem that I am having is that I am dynamiclly filling in the options
of a select box from a
database.  now when a user selects a value, I expect that value to be on the
URL, but it is not.  I 
am currently saving the selected value to a hidden field, which does show up
on the URL.  Anyone
know the reason why.

I did come up with a work around but have now clue as to why it works.  here
is a bit of the javascript
that creates the select box and the html:

function populateComboBoxes()
        var sDisplayValue = new Array([+ $cmbClientKeyText +]);
        var sInternalValue = new Array([+ $cmbClientKeyValue +]);

        var arr = new Array(sDisplayValue.length + 1);

        arr[0] = "<option value=''>( None Selected )</option>";

        for (var i=1; i< sDisplayValue.length + 1; i++)
                arr[i] = "<OPTION value='" + sInternalValue[i - 1] +"'>" +
sDisplayValue[i - 1] + "</OPTION>";

        divUpdate.innerHTML = "<SELECT name='cmbClientKey'
id='cmbClientKey'>" + arr.join() + "</SELECT>";


this gets populated from the javascript above and is displayed to the user
<div name='divUpdate' id='divUpdate' class='divUpdate'
        <!--<select name="cmbClientKey" id="cmbClientKey">

this one is not populated from above and does not get displayed to the user,
if this is removed then cmbClientKey on the URL line
is blank.  
<div style="display:none">
        <select name="cmbClientKey" id="cmbClientKey" >
                <option value=""> ( None Selected ) </option>

cmbClientKey is needed in order of other combo boxes data to be displayed

any ideals as to why this is happening.

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