I've used HTML::Embperl in a fairly large project and really liked it.

I found it to be a rock solid package with a dedicated product developer backing it up.

"Mike V. Andreev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a tree of static html files and perl cgi-scripts. But sometimes I
>want to include some simple functionality in html-file. The best
>solution, I think, is including perl code to html file. I found
>several tools on the Net. The best i liked is Embperl
>(http://perl.apache.org/embperl/) & ePerl
>(http://www.engelschall.com/sw/eperl/) . Both of them have similar
>functionality. But before I make final choice i want to hear some
>comments about its speed, feature, reliability etc. Or may be someone
>know other tools? (I don't need very powerful thing -- main
>programming will be in perl scripts anyway, so there isn't necessity
>in some cool libraries and stuff )
>Thanks in advance . Best regards.
>Mike Andreev 
>SMIS Lab, Space Research Institute (Moscow, Russia). http://smis.iki.rssi.ru
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you put a few drops of Java into Windows, you still have Windows."
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