im a bit confused – or perhaps bewildered about finally having installed
mod_perl on mac osX.
these questions should apply cross platform

yesterday im quite sure my httpd.conf file was /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf.
today (after having played around) it suddenly appears to be /etc/httpd/httpd.conf

can this be?
and can i actually tell the server somehow to use the one in
/usr/local/apache/conf where the other conf files are.

the only reason i discovered this was because i wanted to change the
number of child processes to only one. which brings me to:

im experiencing some heavy modoule-caching annoyance i guess. if i run the
simple (see below) and make a very small change - the change
might take effect immediately in the browser but more frequently it will
show a random cached version of the page. 
(i noticed a pattern in my access_log that the very last number-field on
each line would be the same if the page didnt change)

i have read a little about this problem in the online manual and the
writing apache modules book, but dont understand the soloution(s).

for instance what is the exact procedure for httpd -x?
is it like this command:
[localhost:/usr/local/apache/sbin] aju% httpd -x
this command will do nothing on my system, not even complain.

if i manually configure my httpd.conf file to only one server-child i
sometimes get two children?

also there are some talk about global variables, but looking at the code
i dont see any?

could there be other reeasons for this random caching?

allan (from writing apache modules book)---------
package Apache::Hello;

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    return OK if $r->header_only;
    my $host = $r->get_remote_host;
<TITLE>Hello There</TITLE>
<H1>Hello $host</H1>
Who would take this book seriously if the first example didn't
say "hello world"?
    return OK;


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