___cliff rayman___ wrote:
> i did not use CPAN.pm to install software on this particular
> machine.  my mod_perl builds are always by hand.
> i did understand exactly why this happened.  i should have made
> that more clear in my first e-mail.  i made the patch that i did, so
> i would not have the same problem with any other software.

You are correct. I interviewed the sysadmin that called me for help with this
building mod_perl, and he fessed up to FTP'ing into CPAN and just grabbing
the "latest version" - i.e. the 5.53_95 tarball. He didn't use CPAN.pm
after all.

I couldn't get CPAN.pm to fetch the dev tarball either. I just figured he
was too new to Perl and Solaris (a former MCSE) to grab a tarball and
install. Turns out, he was too new. He just didn't know about CPAN.pm!

Anyway, I missed your (Cliff's) one-line patch to LWP::UserAgent.pm and
thought it was the more extensive earlier patch. My vote is for Cliff's
patch to just 'use URI::URL;' in LWP::UserAgent.pm.

If you don't feel like patching, remember to export 

> Stas Bekman wrote:
> > What version of CPAN.pm are you using? CPAN.pm never picks distros with
> > '_' in the version part. I've just performed checking I've got
> > 5.53.tar.gz.

Then you shouldn't be having the missing URI::URL problem in mod_perl.
Or has the "real" 5.53 been fubar'd since April or so, and nobody noticed
until now?

perl -le "$_='7284254074:0930970:H4012816';tr[0->][ BOPEN!SMUT];print"

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