On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Castellon, Francisco wrote:

> Hi folks:
> What i am running : Win98, Apache 1.3.20, mod_perl 1.25, Apache::ASP 2.17,
> ActivePerl 5.0.1 (build 626).
> I want to upgrade to mod_perl 1.26 from version 1.25. What do i have to do?
> But also i have installed a few other apache packages that rely on mod_perl
> to work, like apache::asp. Would upgrading version ruin my current
> configuration forcing me to reinstall every other apache package that relies
> on mod_perl? or is it just a simple matter of running the ppm installer for
> mod perl?

Pure perl Apache modules are probably fine with the upgraded mod_perl,
which should be installable by ppm. XS-based modules though, like
Embperl, AxKit, or libapreq, may require upgrades - those modules
that are available at http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/
are compiled against the latest mod_perl/Apache versions. Also,
you can in principle run into compatibility problems between
different mod_perl and Apache versions, but since you're running
Apache 1.3.20 you should be fine, as this was the version the
mod_perl-1.26 ppm package was compiled against.

best regards,
randy kobes

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