Hi Rasoul,

You may want to try Metadot for a framework that takes care of all that for
you. Metadot is a GPL'd mod_perl application that provides user management,
content management and access control all in one package. It provides an
API that allows for the creation of pluggable apps that take advantage of
said infrastructure, so you can focus on developing the particularities of
your app and not so much on infrastructure.

All infrastructure is accesible from a web browser. The permissions system,
for instance provides a GUI that allows to attach permissions and ACLs
(access control lists) to individual units of content for groups and for
individual users.  (ie. you can specify separate permissions for the
different operations of your unit of content. eg. a 'Poll' unit of content
can be set to grant voting rights to the members of group X, edit rights to
'John' and 'View Results' to the members of group Y.

Metadot is available from http://www.metadot.com or from


Claudio Garcia

Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:

> I need some advice on implementing an "accessing" system. I have already
> implemented a few systems that now require some sort of advance
> accessing mechanism. I say advance because some parts of the systems
> that I have written are accessible by all, and some other parts should
> be accessible by managers, and still some other parts accessible by even
> fewer people. Not only that, I am also required to determine the
> identity of the user (not very challenging here), but to display the
> methods (links, buttons, ...) that the user with his/her access level
> can use and click on. I am hoping for some suggestions. All comments
> welcomed.
> Thanks in advance
> -r

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